Sarah Canadas
Butterfly Kindergarten Lead

Sarah grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and completed a BA in Child and Adolescent Development with a special interest in Early Childhood. During her college years she worked in nursery schools as a student teacher, while also volunteering as a mentor for blind/visually impaired youth. After college, Sarah taught preschool for many years in an outdoor Montessori program in the heart of San Francisco. 

After starting a family of her own and moving to Oregon, Sarah found Swallowtail through a neighbor’s recommendation. She’ll never forget her first visit to Swallowtail. She was met with open arms, the joyful sound of laughter in the halls, and the excitement for Jog-A-thon. She walked along the perimeter of the school with the Kindergarten, singing songs, exploring plants, and finally settling down on a blanket for a picnic lunch, watching the older children run to raise funds. She left with a heart full of joy and inspiration.

Sarah is currently working on a Masters in Education with a Waldorf Early Childhood Teaching credential from Great Lakes Waldorf Institute. It is her goal to help children establish a passion for learning by creating an environment that nurtures curiosity and self-expression, so that children can build confident styles of learning that they find interesting and enjoyable. She also has a deep interest in nutritional awareness that she likes to integrate into her educational approach.

In her free time Sarah can be found gardening, cooking, reading, puzzling, and traveling with my family; camping, hiking, and picnicking.