Image of dragon bread


The last Friday in September       

On Michaelmas, we gather at the farm on the last day of outdoor school. The grades present the traditional play of townspeople working together to vanquish a dragon (written from scratch by each year’s 8th grade) and we all share dragon bread afterward.

Child sitting on pumpkin

Harvest Faire

Our Harvest Faire is a joyful community gathering at the farm. We have games and a scavenger hunt, archery in the field, and fresh pressed cider. Bake sales and face painting, a pumpkin patch, and general merrymaking round out the event.

A Saturday in early October      

Image of lanterns hanging from trees

Lantern Walk

Our lantern walk is a quiet, reverent evening walk through the farm. Students carry lanterns and follow a winding path in the dark, led by their class teacher. Each year they hear stories of those who have shared their own light, including St. Martin who shared his lamp and cloak with a poor beggar, Harriet Tubman who guided people to freedom with her lantern, and Sequoyah, who created a written language for the Cherokee People.

Last school day before Veteran’s Day